This is a page with a collection of letters I wrote to ministries and departments in Moscow and Russia, mostly on issues related to education.
1. Figuring out how Science is run in Russia→
2. Trying to find out about interesting excursions in Moscow schools→
3. Wondering why scientists decided to become Scientists→
4. Asking Deputy Ministers of Education for advice→
5. Recognition of diplomas of foreign universities in Russia (Ministry of Education)→
6. Payment for education abroad — a proposal to solve the problem (Ministry of Finance)→
7. Implementation of hawala system for payment of tuition fees through the Central Bank of Russia→
8. Response from the Moscow City Duma→
9. Response from the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation→
10. Correspondence with Italians→
11. Correspondence with the French→
12. Question to the Russian Ministry of Industry about education abroad→
13. Support for Russian students to study abroad→