Work made on the site from 06 March to 12 March 2023

Redesigned Russian Correspondence page (reduced to a single standard)
This page also is copied in English and normalized
The title of this English page was changed a little.

Translated into English two lost articles:
1. Ответ из Московской Городской Думы
1.1. Response from the Moscow City Duma
2. Ответ из Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации
2.1. Response from the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
The articles were added to the Russian and English aggregator pages.
Both of these articles were the first on the site, so they were not included in the later aggregator pages.
Links to the Russian or English versions have been added to all articles.

Links to the appropriate aggregator page have been added to all pages:
In Russian: Другие статьи о переписке с Министерствами и Ведомствами→
To English pages: Other articles about correspondence with Ministries and Departments→
Added links to pages in other languages on the Aggregator Pages
(as I wrote in one of my letters to Done! — these links are in opposite languages)

Added alternative text to photos of letters from Ministries and Departments to all English pages.
The response text has been translated into English, and is visible to browser engines.
This is done to improve the presentation of the site in search.
I decided not to place the test translation of these letters in the body of the article since these answers are interesting only to Russian speakers.

I corrected several inaccuracies in the machine translation, such as the spelling of my name Yegor instead of Egor.
Fixed a couple of messages to bold the words like Text , or Answer where it was missing.

Changed markup code of site from H1 to H2 for the text on the main page:
This is a site about medical, chemical and pharmaceutical education- in Russia and abroad, and about research management.

because the offices of webmasters Bing and Google complained about the errors on the page.

I added a link to the page «About me» on the page «About this site» in the Russian version, and highlighted it in color.

The work took about 5 hours.

Other articles about work done on the site→
This article in Russian→