Work made on the site from 13 to 19 February 2023

The Basic page has been changed.
Changed the captions in the Base Page:
1. Другие статьи по этой стране→
More articles on this country→
2. Эта статья на Английском языке→
This article in Russian→
When preparing the article for publication I had to make changes in 2 blocks.
It became:
3. More articles on this country→
This article in Russian→
4. Еще статьи об этой стране→
Эта статья на английском→
It is required to remove 1 block, which is easier and faster.

All of the articles published last week had links like https://….. removed, which were ruining the site on mobiles.
Links are put in the usual way, without URLs. All links to external resources are closed from indexing.
Removed links from articles about the University of Singapore in Russian and English.

Added articles:
1. A Very Short Answer by Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
1.1. Очень короткий ответ Высшей медицинской школы Университета Осаки
2. Write in Japanese if you want to study Medicine — an answer from Keio University
2.1. Пишите на Японском, если хотите изучать Медицину- ответ из Университета Кейо
3. Non-medical education at Osaka University
3.1. Немедицинское образование в Университете Осаки
All articles have been added to different aggregator pages.
If, at the time of writing, the aggregator page does not already exist (e.g. the introduction of the opening letter from the University of Iceland-market and aggregator page, even if there are no other links to follow)

    6 articles added for indexing in Yandex, Bing, Google.

    Changed the description of the site for display in search.
    Now Snippet (description of the home page) looks like this:
    Egor Kugno.
    Medical and Chemical Education in the World.
    Site about medical, chemical and pharmaceutical education in Russia and abroad and Managing Science.
    Correspondence with Universities.

    Sent 3 letters to the universities, where the letter had not previously reached.
    In the last university letter was sent through a form on the website of the university.

    The work took about 5 hours.

    Other articles about work done on the site→
    This article in Russian→