Implementation of the «Hawala» type settlement system for payment of tuition fees abroad.
Letter to the Bank of Russia.

Purpose: To find out about the possibility of paying for education in foreign universities from Russia in the difficult conditions of 2022.
What I want: After an excellent, though negative response from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to the previous letter to ask the opinion of the experts of the Central Bank of Russia on the possibility of transferring money abroad.
Means: Letter to the Central Bank.
Hello, I am Egor Kugno, a 9th grade student of the HSE Distributed Lyceum.
Now I am exploring the possibility of getting an education abroad (Chemistry, Pharmacy).
It is a VERY long and complicated process, and there are a lot of questions.
One of those questions was, «How do you pay for education abroad now, and how do you even transfer money abroad now, like from parents for a student’s life?»
I asked such a question to the Ministry of Finance of Russia:
In preparation for my project on pharmaceuticals, I wrote to several directors of pharmaceutical companies in Russia, and from the answers of respected directors it became clear to me that quality education is now better to get abroad, because in Russia there are simply no certain areas of industry (for example, there is actually no chemical synthesis of substances for pharmaceutical production) and, accordingly, there are no specialists who can teach it.
I am still considering the possibility of such education (if it will be possible), but my dad pointed out that now it is impossible to pay for education abroad, and it is impossible to transfer money for student’s life due to sanctions.
Researching the issue, I learned that in the eastern regions of the world there is an informal system of money transfers «hawala».
Can you please tell me if we have something similar in Russia?
It would be perfect if my dad could send money to the account of the Ministry of Finance and I would receive cash from the consulate of the country where I will study (Germany or Italy as an example).
This would have solved the problem of tuition and the actual cost of living. In addition, it would promote closer communication between students studying abroad and representatives of the diplomatic corps in Russia, which is useful in and of itself, and as an objective information about the situation.
In general, if there is no such system, would you please create one?

And MINFIN answered me:
Dear Egor Alekseyevich!
The Department of Financial Policy within its competence has examined your address, which was received from the Russian Government Office by letter № P48-179990, dated 29.09.2022, and thanks you for your suggestions and the attention you pay to the development of the financial system of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, money transfers without opening bank accounts, including electronic money transfers (except for postal transfers) belong to banking operations which credit institutions are entitled to carry out on the basis of a special permit (license) from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Moreover, the use of hawala money transfers is associated with an increased risk of money laundering and terrorism financing.
At the same time for carrying out illegal banking activities without a special permit (license) in cases where such
The carrying out of illegal banking activities without a special permit (license) is subject to liability according to Article 172 of the RF Criminal Code.
Deputy Director of the Financial Policy Department S. I. Voznesensky.

Please, could you think of some system of transferring money abroad, with check of the payer through a bank, so that we know for sure that the money transferred is honestly earned and intended specifically to pay for education or residence in a foreign country of a student from Russia?
Thank you

(Bank of Russia)
Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights and
Ensuring accessibility of financial services 
Consumer Rights Protection Centre 
in Ekaterinburg
18 Tsiolkovsky St., Ekaterinburg, 620144 
tel: 8 (800) 300-30-00 
No. SE-222680 of 07.11.2022
About consideration of the appeal
Dear Egor Alekseyevich!
The Center for Consumer Rights Protection in the city of Yekaterinburg has considered your
Message № ОЭ-222680 dated 07.11.2022.
Concerning circumstances of your appeal we consider
It is possible to draw attention to the following.
Russia's financial system and economy are currently
The Russian financial system and the economy are currently facing a completely non-standard situation, and the Bank of Russia is
The Russian financial system and the economy are currently facing a completely non-standard situation, and the Bank of Russia is taking necessary measures to stabilise it in all segments of the financial market.
of the financial market.
At the same time, residents of the Russian Federation are currently
residents of the Russian Federation are currently able to make payments for tuition, medical care, and
At the same time, residents of the Russian Federation are currently able to make payments for tuition, medical, and public utilities in favor of foreign organizations.
Resident individuals during a calendar month can
make money transfers abroad to their accounts (deposits),
opened with banks and other financial market organizations, as well as in favor of
for the benefit of other individuals (residents or non-residents), including
their spouses or relatives (close relatives
(relatives in the direct ascending and descending line (parents and children,
grandparents and grandchildren), half and half-siblings (having a common father or mother siblings, adoptive parents, and adopted).
It is possible to transfer money abroad through companies
companies that provide money transfer services. Besides, transfers
are available via details in a number of banks that are not under sanctions.
You will have to check the list of the countries where you can transfer the money.
However, please note that according to the provisions of
Federal Law dated 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ "On counteraction against money laundering
Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism
terrorism financing" the credit organizations independently
establish in the worked out rules of internal control the features of
doubtful operations in order to counteract legalization (laundering) of
proceeds of crime and terrorist financing.
Within one month resident and non-resident individuals from
friendly countries may transfer from Russia to their account or to another
USD 1 million or the equivalent in another currency.
currency. Through companies providing money transfer services
account without opening an account, they may transfer not more than
USD10,000 or the equivalent in another currency within a month.
There are no exceptions to these restrictions regarding the type of
the type of account opened outside the territory of the Russian Federation and
the type of foreign currency to be credited to such account.
In addition, we note that the limits on the above amounts may change.
Резиденты, за исключением случаев, предусмотренных Федеральным
законом от 07.05.2013 № 79-ФЗ, открывают без ограничений счета (вклады) в
расположенных за пределами территории Российской Федерации банках и
иных организациях финансового рынка, в соответствии с личным законом
таких организаций имеющих право оказывать услуги, связанные с
привлечением от резидентов и размещением денежных средств или иных
финансовых активов для хранения, управления, инвестирования и (или)
осуществления иных сделок в интересах резидента либо прямо или косвенно
за счет резидента, а также осуществляют переводы денежных средств без
открытия банковского счета с использованием электронных средств платежа,
предоставленных иностранными поставщиками платежных услуг.
Должны отметить, что Банк России не осуществляет надзор за банками,
зарегистрированными и осуществляющими свою деятельность в
иностранных юрисдикциях. Сведения о возможности открытия иностранным
банком счета, а также о порядке совершения операций по такому счету,
следует уточнять непосредственно в иностранном банке.
Актуальная информация Банка России о работе финансовой системы в
условиях санкционных ограничений размещается на сайте Банка России
( Ответы на некоторые дополнительные/новые вопросы можно
найти в разделе: «Меры защиты финансового рынка».
Благодарим Вас за обращение. При наличии у Вас иных вопросов,
касающихся правоотношений, имеющихся между Вами и поднадзорными
Банку России организациями, просим обращаться в Банк России.
Выражаем надежду, что наши пояснения помогут Вам разобраться в
сложившейся ситуации

Bottom line: It wasn’t that bad.
Solution: Even with problems, but it is possible to transfer money to pay for education.
It is true that the transfer fee is now quite high.

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