Test the ability to gather information from open sources in preparation for an interview in Fundamentals of Cell Biology
In my article about preparing for chemistry olympiads, I wrote that I wanted to collect as much preparation material as possible on one page of my website.
This is not an easy job to do, and it’s not fast.
I will still do it, and most likely I will, but I first decided to take a smaller problem, and, so to speak, to test the technology of assembling.
As luck would have it, School 57 in Moscow announced its first ever 10th Biochemistry class.
Actually, I should probably say a little about School 57, for those who, for reasons inexplicable to me, do not follow the best schools in Moscow.
School 57 (officially, by the way, called the Fifty-seventh School-exactly so, in text) is a very famous school in Moscow, one of the old, truly elite schools.
Usually in this school only 8th classes were accepted, as teachers of school prepared very steep and serious programs on subjects, designed for four years, and earlier it was considered, that if to accept the child in 9th or, God forbid, 10th class, he simply will not master the program of training in full.
But since there are more and more good schools in Moscow every year, and the best universities began to open their lyceums, of which there are about 20 in Moscow now, and the Higher School of Economics has not only built its lyceum, but also concluded partnership relations with 30 Moscow schools, there is not enough students for all the elite schools.
But on the students, namely on their number and their Olympiad successes, depends on the funding of schools from the budget of the city of Moscow.
Very conventionally if for one ordinary student the school gets 100000 rubles per year, for the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad 200000 rubles, and plus separate payments are due to the teachers who prepared the champion (which is fair enough).
There is something to fight for.
So now a normal, strong schoolboy, who has never had the chance to attend a Gymnasium or Lyceum, has a real chance to enter one of the best schools of Moscow through a competitive exam.
And such tests in 57th school at the enrollment of 10th biochemical class were Mathematics, Russian, Biology, Chemistry and interview on the Principles of Cell Biology.
A list of topics to prepare for the interview was published on the school website, I found it, and I decided to use this list to test the possibility of gathering information from open sources to prepare for the interview. I’m going to try to use YouTube first, and second, materials from online school websites.
I won’t do this work quickly, I have the OGE coming up, plus I’m doing it for myself personally.
But if possible, I will try not to delay this little project.
The oral interview in Cell Biology will be conducted according to the sample program «Fundamentals of Cell Biology».
1. Basics of Cell Biology. Brief history of cytology. Cell theory, its main statements. Methods of cell study: light microscopy, electron microscopy, differential ultracentrifugation, X-ray structural analysis.
2. The cell — structural and functional unit of living matter. General cell structure: cell shape, cell size and volume, cell types (prokaryotes and eukaryotes). Cell physicochemical properties.
3. Inorganic cell components: water and minerals in cell life.
4. Organic components of a cell.
Proteins: structure, structures, classification, properties of proteins, role in the cell.
Lipids: structure, classification, functions of lipids, role in the cell.
Carbohydrates: classification, properties of carbohydrates, biological significance.
Nucleic acids: structure, Watson and Crick model of DNA, complementarity principle, types of RNA, properties of nucleic acids in the cell. DNA genetic code, its properties. Energy accumulators in cell life, structure and functions using ATP as an example.
5. Elementary structural components of the cell, their functions. Cell surface apparatus: plasmalemma (mosaic model of cell membrane), submembrane system of a cell, supramembrane structures. Main functions of the surface apparatus: dividing, transport (transmembrane transport, transport in membrane packing — exocytosis and endocytosis), electrical (transmembrane potential), receptor, secretory, connective (in tissues and organs). Cytoplasmic matrix, its composition and basic properties.
6. Membrane organoids of the cell: endoplasmic network, Golgi complex, lysosomes, mitochondria. Structure, functions in the cell.
7. Non-membrane organoids of the cell: ribosomes, cytoskeleton, cell center, cilia and flagella. Structure, functions in the cell.
8. Inclusions, classification.
9. Nuclear apparatus: nuclear envelope, nuclear matrix, nuclei. Concepts of chromatin. Structural organization of chromatin, levels of DNA compactization.
10. Features of plant cell structure. Plastids, types, structure, functions in the cell.
11. Features of animal cell structure.
12. Features of the structure of the bacterial cell.
13. Non-cellular form of life — viruses. Structure, life cycle, viral infections.
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