September 2022.
Election of Minister of Science at School 2107 and metagenome analysis at Skolkovo.

1. My program for the High School Science Ministerial Election
a) Complete questionnaires to all High School students about their plans for higher education.
b) Development on the basis of their answers plans to work with universities, (for example my favorite Pharmaceutics is not only in Medical Universities — there are also in Moscow State University and in RUDN and in the Specialized Pharmacademy in St. Petersburg — with their Olympiads, about which literally no one knows), with enterprises, with the Olympiad training.
Besides, it will help in making contracts for education with the interested Moscow enterprises (Targeted education).
c) Creating a Telegram channel with feedback from students at High School 2107 about extracurricular activities
d) Maintaining a unified school channel in Telegram for activities in other schools, tracking the interests of students from OTHER schools and including the most interesting things in the plan of OUR school (ideally — in automatic mode)
e) Creating a single school portal of freely available educational literature (It’s already impossible to navigate on the Moscow E-School website).
A few links are on the home page.
f) Official information about our school in English for applicants to foreign universities

2. Metagenome Analysis in Skolkovo
Metagenome Analysis Intensive at Skolkovo→
Registration until September 27→
By correspondence — to listen to lectures about genome engineering or
By correspondence — to listen to the lectures on genome engineering or to take a walk through one of the best scientific centers of Russia.
Programs for analysis

P.S. In the school election, the Minister of Science was the senior class student (as expected), but for my activism I was appointed his deputy.

This article in Russian→