Work plan for this site
Here are some problems that I think need to be solved on the site.
Tasks are written down when they come to mind, and performed in random order when there is time.
This page is a sort of To do, without the use of extra software and always in front of you.
No checkboxes, graphs, or any other nonsense.
The page is dynamic. Write-do it-wipe.
Make a new page in English!
1. Translate all site articles into English.
2. Check that links in articles in Russian and in articles in English were the same.
2.1 Check article «About this site».
2.2 Translate articles about School 2107 visit by Russian Vice-Rector and Minister of Environment into English, place articles on the site, giving the source address.
3. Write out all Descriptions of articles in Russian and in English in Rank Match Seo (I need a week, probably)
3.1 Prescribe keywords in all articles in Russian and English.
4. Write texts for responses from Universities in Korea and Japan.
5. Put on my calendar the letters to Japan in Japanese, and to Korea to ask for advice about choosing a university, and why they don’t accept Russians.
6. All articles on aggregator pages should have links to these pages.
7. Add links here:
8. Perhaps — all articles from correspondence with ministries and departments below to provide links to all other articles (correspondence in the future will not be so much — there is no time for it, and it is easier to find information than a month to wait for an answer)
9. Remove from the main (top) section with ads about activities — a lot of them in Moscow and publish 1/100th percent on the site — meaningless.
In addition, tracking takes a long time.
10.Write to the Ministry of Education in the regions of Russia on the best schools in the regions.
11. To make a page on preparation for exam (USE) and for Chemistry Olympiads.
12. I need a Telegram Channel and groups on Facebook and Odnoklassniki, and I need to move all my articles there (think about whether to move all of them or create separate pages for Russian and English).
13. Create an account in Telegraf and possibly in Blogging, move all the articles there, and immediately after the publication on the site to publish these services to save content if the site is something wrong
15. Complete the articles:
15.1:October 2022. First quarter, settled schedule, and first University Saturday→
15.2:November 2022. Medical Vacation at Sechenov, Medical Saturday, preparation of school newsletter→
16. Rename Archive-perhaps to Done! (?), because in fact it really is not only what was on the site and outdated, but also some things I did (like participating in the election of the Minister of Science at the school)
17. Translate an article about me into English
18. To redo this article in general (about me)
19. Publish weekly reports on the site (possibly in Done!). This is for me — to control, and visitors can be interesting, and to improve the indexing of the site.
20. Since Monday 20.02.2023 — to try to publish 1 article a day from correspondence with universities (in Russian and English, and at once with the correct description that would not correct then)
21. To take pictures and place on the site photos of chemistry and math books that I have, to give out to my classmates if necessary.
22. Write an article and add a reference to the fact that Japan recognizes 11 years of education for an article
23. Add to reports Done! weekly cards about visits to the site from Google analytics
24. Make a Chemistry page about preparing for Olympiads
25. Prepare a letter about chemistry and biology schools:
a) by regions of Russia
b) by Russian cities with population more than 300 thousand people.
26. Make a template of the letter in the mail and put it in the mailing list.
27. In all articles add a preface (otherwise those who do not come from the main page of the site do not understand what it is about):
«I wrote a letter to the University (…), in which I asked to answer some questions about the study at this university (Something like that).»
28. Highlight the name of the countries in COLOR on the pages-aggregators (otherwise everything sticks together, especially on mobile)
29. Add text to the aggregator pages, too:
«Correspondence with University Admissions (country)
30. All texts in Russian should be checked for errors by Lebedev’s typographer and Gramotu ru or analogues.
31. Summer check Universities in Norway — rumor has it that education there will become a fee — on the meda to
4000000 rubles a year.