Search for the best chemical and biological schools in the regions of Russia

In last week’s article, I published several rankings that rank schools in Moscow.
The position in the ranking determines how much money the school will receive from the budget, where parents will go to transfer their children, where the best teachers will try to get a job, whether the best universities will sign a contract with the school to open their classes, whether the school will be invited to the Moscow projects, whether the school will open the centers of Olympic training, in other words — the rankings tell who lives and who dies.
But rating is a very complicated substance.
If an ordinary person tries to understand the methodology, he will find a lot of stagnant and controversial.
For example, I read that in the rating of Moscow schools quite a significant number of points can get that school, which has a kindergarten. That is, schools without kindergartens (and half of the most elite schools in Moscow, where education begins in the fifth, or even the eighth grade) have to do their best to get into these rankings.
And the fiercest struggle is for those who have taken any places at All-Russian and Moscow Olympiads.
For example, for several years now the main school in Moscow which has the best results on Olympiads has been the Center of Pedagogical Mastership, where education is for a fee. And not cheap at all.
But if you’re at least a winner of the All-Russian Olympiad, and even a winner at the regional level — you get in for free.
To enter any good mathematics school in Moscow is difficult, the tasks on the entrance exam for the 8th grade are about the same in complexity as those that ordinary eleventh graders see on the Unified State Exam.
But of course if you are a prize-winner or winner they take you without exams.
Smart kids are ranked, and ranking is golden rain.
You should also understand that modern Moscow schools, with very few exceptions, are not the schools of our fathers and grandfathers, not separate buildings, but in some way united under one number of once independent schools.
For example, my past 1501 is a formerly specialized and separate school with a Chemistry, French, and German emphasis, which for the most part have worked, and still work, independently, albeit under one principal.
Theoretically, while I was there, I had the opportunity to go to other buildings of our school, and take (for free) additional French or German classes.
But, of course, I didn’t, because my classes ended at 4 p.m. on average.
And the guys from these buildings did not go to us for chemistry, they had their own schools, and their workload was enormous.
The school I go to now is also an amalgamation of several schools, one of which in the past was a famous mathematics school — and in fact it still is. I was there for a lecture on mathematics given by the famous mathematician Alexey Vladimirovich Savvateev, about magic threes, I think — and that’s a different kind of mathematics, of course.
I have an acquaintance who goes to Marshal Chuikov School. This school is ranked in the top 20 schools in Moscow, which is strange even from its geography. It’s Kuzminki, an old, bedroom community, not a wealthy one. There’s no other cool schools here, and it’s not like there’s ever been any. So how did this school take off? Because it was joined by what was once Moscow’s best Chemical Lyceum on Taganka. Most of the medals and achievements of this school are not in the Kuzminky building, but in the Taganka lyceum.
In general, as I wrote — ratings — a thing very and very difficult.
Well and how to be, if in a city where you live 20 schools, and in the main Russian ratings any of them is not present?
What if you have excellent schools and excellent teachers, but by some chance this year they did not manage to win on Chemistry Olympiads (I refer the curious to search for the Scandal with the Unified State Exam in Chemistry in 2020)?
Who will help such people decide on a school?
I will help, of course 🙂
I wrote letters to the education committees of most of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and to some fairly large cities (300,000 population and above) and asked what good schools there are in these subjects (or cities).
The text of my letter:
My name is Egor Kugno, I’m a 9th grade student of school 2107 (Moscow)
In the next, 10th and 11th grades, I will take part in the Olympiads in chemistry.
To prepare for the Olympiad, I began collecting olimpiadnyh tasks, which are quite a lot of published on the Olympiad web sites themselves, as well as on the sites of chemistry and biology schools in Moscow.
But I would like to collect as much as possible a collection of such tasks and put them on my site on the Internet.
I think this would help a lot of Russian chemistry and biology high school students, saving them a lot of time which they could spend not searching for information on the web, but on preparation.
For the last two years, after I finished 8th grade at Moscow Chemical School 1501, and now studying at the HSE Distributed Lyceum 2107, I realized that every chemistry teacher has his favorites in this science — favorite elements, or reactions, and the teachers make the main emphasis on them.
And that’s why I wanted to collect more information from schools — together all these assignments (often with answers) will serve as an excellent basis for preparation.
The problem is — there are so many schools, and if I search at random — I’ll waste too much time ? .
So, if you are not hard — can you please send me in return the list of your best schools, especially those which are admitted to high school through competition. Besides you can send me the names and links to your local Chem-Bio Olympiads — I will look through their web sites and take only what I need.
Thank you very much.
Egor Kugno

As the answers come in, I will post them on the following pages:
1. The Best chemistry and chemistry and biology schools in the regions of russia→
2. Best Chemical and Chemical-Biological Schools in Cities of Russia→

Other articles on Moscow Medical Universities→
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