Recognition of diplomas of foreign universities in Russia.

As part of my «Pharmaceutics project», I want to understand in advance what awaits graduates of foreign universities who have returned to Russia.
It would probably be extremely frustrating to go abroad, having spent several years on preparation and a lot, A lot of money for education and, when you come back, you find out that the diploma from the university you graduated from is not recognized in Russia, and you have to start all over again:(.
It is not a simple question, and this letter is just the first step in getting a good understanding of the situation. of the situation.
I wrote a letter to the Ministry of Education of Russia.
I’m Egor Kugno, a 9th grade student of the HSE Distributed Lyceum.
In preparation for my project on pharmaceutics I wrote to several directors of pharmaceutical companies in Russia,
and from the answers of the respected directors it became clear to me that now it is better to get a quality education abroad, because in Russia
there are just some areas of industry (for example, in fact there is no chemical synthesis of substances for pharmaceutical production)
And, accordingly, there are no specialists who can teach it.
On the website of the Ministry I found a page that the number of foreign universities recognized in Russia is constantly increasing, and that can’t help but be encouraging.
I have only two questions about that list:
1. Does this recognition happen automatically, by receiving a diploma, or is there some sort of legalization procedure (a notarial translation of the diploma into Russian, adding it to some kinds of notarial documents)?
into Russian, adding to any databases of the Ministry of Education, etc.).
2. If this kind of education is recognized, does this mean that returning to Russia with, say, a degree in chemistry or pharmaceutics, I would be able to work in the
For example, can I work in a chemistry department or a pharmacy?
Thank you
Regards, Egor Kugno

Dear Egor Alekseyevich!
The Department for international cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science has examined your appeal submitted to the official website of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and registered on September 30, 2022, under № 21918-О, about the possibility of recognition of your education and within the established competence states.
According to part 1 of Article 107 of the Federal Law № 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the "Education Law") recognition in the Russian Federation of foreign education and (or) foreign qualifications is carried out in accordance with international treaties on mutual recognition and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Today the Russian Federation is a party to 73 bilateral and 4 multilateral agreements on mutual recognition of education, qualifications and academic degrees.
In addition, foreign education, qualifications and academic degrees issued by educational and scientific organizations, the list of which is annually established by the Government, are recognized in Russia without undergoing the education assessment procedure
of the Russian Federation on the basis of international ratings (hereinafter - the List). The current List was approved by Order No. 28-r of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2022.
Education, qualifications and academic degrees falling within the scope of international agreements or the List are recognized automatically without the need to undergo additional evaluation procedures in order to continue education and professional activity in the Russian Federation.
However clause 13 of the article 107 of the Law on Education states that the documents on foreign education and/or qualifications recognized in the Russian Federation should be legalized in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise stipulated by an international agreement of the Russian Federation.
In addition, a foreign education and/or qualification document must be translated into Russian and notarized if the text of the diploma is not duplicated in Russian.
In case the foreign education and (or) qualification does not fall under the agreement or the List, the recognition is carried out by FGBU Glavexpertcenter, which in accordance with the Russian Federation Government Decree of February 27, 2014 № 272-r is the authorized organization performing the functions of the national information center for the recognition of education and (or) qualifications, academic degrees and academic titles obtained in a foreign state in the Russian Federation: address in the Internet: Up-to-date texts of agreements on mutual recognition of education, qualifications and academic degrees, as well as on the abolition of legalization are available on the website of FGBU Glavexpertcenter.
Additionally we inform you that according to clause 4 part 1 article 100 of the Federal law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "On Fundamentals of Public Health Protection in the Russian Federation" the persons who received
медицинское или фармацевтическое образование в иностранных государствах, допускаются к медицинской деятельности или фармацевтической деятельности после признания в Российской Федерации образования и (или) квалификации, полученных в иностранном государстве, а также сдачи экзамена по специальности в порядке, устанавливаемом уполномоченным федеральным органом исполнительной власти, и получения сертификата специалиста.
Порядок сдачи специального экзамена лицами, получившими медицинское или фармацевтическое образование в иностранных государствах, утвержден приказом Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере здравоохранения (Росздравнадзор) от 22 октября 2021 г. № 10084.
В этой связи для получения необходимой информации рекомендуем Вам обратиться в Росздравнадзор: адрес в сети «Интернет»:, номер телефона: +7 (499) 578-02-20.
С уважением,
Заместитель директора
Департамента международного
сотрудничества Е.М. Горожанкина

A very high quality and understandable answer.
Many thanks to the Ministry of Education and personally to E.M. Gorozhankina.

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