Exploring Moscow Medical Universities.
Tuition and Average Grades for Free Study in 2022

To be admitted to a medical university in Moscow, you must meet at least one condition:
1. Have high scores on the Uniform State Exam at school.
2. Have a lot of money
First let’s deal with the second condition, so that we do not have to return to it later.
I will be considering medical departments, which are the main focus of all medical universities in Moscow.
All fields of study offered by the universities are usually cheaper than the Faculty of Medicine, with the exception of Dentistry, which is more expensive.
The basic tuition fee in 2022 was as follows:
1. Faculty of Fundamental Medicine at Moscow State University
493000 rubles per year
2. Sechenov University (First Med)
415000 rubles per year
3. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Second Med)
470000 rubles per year
4. A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (Third Med)
410800 rubles per year
5. Medical Faculty of the Russian University of People’s Friendship (Fourth Med)
440,000 rubles per year
6. Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering MEPHI
According to the university itself, or 199250 rubles per year, or 296600 rubles per year
The base cost rises every year — you should know this.
Of course, universities offer quite a lot of discounts on tuition fees for various categories of applicants.
I will not consider discounts in this article firstly because I personally still have 2 years to study at school, and it’s sufficient period,
for which everything can change, and secondly, it’s much more sensible to prepare for the entrance exams
as if there were no discounts at all.
Nevertheless, I’ll go into great detail about all the discounts for the 2025 admissions campaign:)
In order to understand the complexity of applying for state-financed (free) tuition to Medical Universities in Moscow, I think you should start by familiarizing yourself with the average scores that Russian schoolchildren get on their final school exams.
The average scores in 2022 were as follows:
1. Russian language — 68.3 points
2. Biology — 50.2 points
3. Chemistry — 54.3 points
4. Mathematics-56.9 points
Traditionally, biology gives the lowest average score.
Is it possible to enter Moscow State Universities with average scores at the graduation exams?
Of course not.
Even in the regional medical universities with such scores it is impossible to get on budget.
Further, for simplicity, I’ll also consider only specialty Medicine, budget.
(but if I see in the documents of universities that something interesting, I will write a note).
Passing scores for on-budget tuition in 2022 at medical universities in Moscow were as follows:
1. Faculty of Fundamental Medicine at Moscow State University
439 points out of 500 (5 examinations).
2. Sechenov University (First Med)
258 points (3 exams)
The minimum score for targeted education in the Moscow region — 179 points.
There are specialties, such as Preventive Medicine, where applicants by the target area took even 142 scores.
But this is far from Moscow region, isolated cases and in fact not medical specialties.
3. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Second Med)
190 points (3 exams)
179 points for Pediatrics (very low) and 269 points for Dentistry.
4. A. I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (Third Med)
Absolutely stunning university, made the most modern website for 100500 thousand rubles — published his passing scores only until 2011, when the Medical Faculty could be passed with 225 points.
Now it only publishes average scores for ALL applicants, which of course does not give any information at all.
5. Medical Faculty of the Russian University of People’s Friendship (Fourth Med)
274 points
6. Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering MEPhI
176 points
There are two important features to pay attention to:
1. A huge number of applicants are enrolled in targeted training.
So, for example, the Ministry of Health of Moscow and the Moscow region only in the Russian State Medical University together send more than 300 people.
Scores for this category of entrants to RSMU are not published, as:
«For each customer of targeted admission there is a different competition and a different passing score is formed.
Passing scores for each customer of target admission are not published on the website of the University»
, but it is clear that they are lower, and sometimes significantly lower than the usual passing scores.
That is, fairly weak (in terms of final examinations) applicants can still get into the best universities in Russia, but the condition will be to work for three to five years, where sent, which of course almost certainly puts a cross on any independent career, entered at 18, graduated at 24, residency to 26, work until 31 — and there is a family, children, mortgage, and you work in a clinic to death.
Nevertheless, the question of target education also requires close attention — for example, I saw that the quota from the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia in 2022 in the Third Med was not even selected to the end, and there were a few places left for applicants with relatively low scores.
2. The second feature interesting to me personally — «geniuses» and «outsiders», that is entrants who have collected 280+ and 180-200 points (and foreigners from near abroad on paid training can take and with 120 points!), obviously possessing different sets of advantages, including (but not only) assiduity, receptivity, purposefulness … — entering the university, get into one boiler, where together they study.
For conditional outsiders (conditional, because as a whole 200 points for USE is very worthy assessment) such melting pot is good, it is possible to learn something from more clever classmates, with whom, without this training in one university, outsiders probably would not have an opportunity to cross in real life.
However it seems to me that for the geniuses this joint training will be useful to a much lesser extent.
And here I should probably praise some foreign countries, about which I write in my Project Medicine, for example, even the U.S., where training in medical school is almost always paid, but to get there conditional outsider can not do — that is, of course, in medical schools study different people, but in general it is more like geniuses and geniuses +.
Later I will try to find out if this is true, and whether we have any division in universities by groups with different programs for different categories of applicants (Although I think not.)
So from this article it becomes clear- enrollment in Medical Universities in Moscow is either very difficult or very expensive.
However, for the talented and diligent there is a magic tool for admission.
And this means — participation in the Olympics→

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