I am interested in chemistry and medical education in Russia, Europe and Asia, correspond with pharmaceutical companies and universities, do chemistry and biology in school, solve Sirius and Ya-class.
Went to 1208 English School for seven years, eighth grade chemistry class at 1501 School,
for two years I took a microbiology class at the Gaidar Palace of Children and Youth Creativity,

I was in the sambo class,

and tennis.

shot with a rifle (not always successfully),
But grew up- and focused on (at the moment) biological science

I’m currently taking a biology class at DNTTM, and it’s a pretty tough class
What is Science?
Looking for information on good swim groups)
If you are engaged, please write.
More interested in tennis (the next summer), and joint training in biology, chemistry, mathematics and English to the General Examination
Below is a schedule of my additional classes. Join in.