Figuring out how Science is run in Russia
Purpose: To visit a meeting of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Moscow City Duma
What I really need: To see with my own eyes how real decisions are made to govern Russia and the city of Moscow
Means: A letter to the designated governing bodies
Letter Text:
Good afternoon.
I’m Egor Kugno, a student in grade 9H at school 2107.
We have a very diverse school, the HSE Lyceum, and the children’s interests are just a lot.
We have presidential and ministerial elections coming up.
I want to run for Minister of Science.
I want to make a good election program, and spend the rest of my high school years with interest.)
Since the age of 12 I’ve been taking biology and microbiology classes, and I have a pretty good idea of a career in biology.
But I certainly do not have enough knowledge about the work of government bodies, and the position is still the Minister).
Tell me please, is it possible to attend meetings of the Duma?
It is very interesting to look at the work, so to speak — from the inside.
Thank you
Egor Kugno
Result of the correspondence: Unfortunately, it is now impossible to get into the State Duma.
Solution: I should become a Minister myself and tell the pages of Forbes magazine about how science is really managed in Russia.
1. Response from the Moscow City Duma→
2. Response from the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation→
Other articles about correspondence with Ministries and Departments→
This article in Russian→